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Share Your Magic

The sad fact is ... most people do not want to hear the truth. I was once one of them. For many years, my message was never heard because it felt too "icky" to run a business as a spiritual person. I was turned off by everything "business" stood for. I decided it wasn't for me.

Take this experience and times it by thousands of other spiritual people going through the same thing and our message is not getting out to help others. This is why you see more "fake" spiritual people online than authentic. Then we sit here and wonder where all of the authentic teachers are. They are hidden ... and for good reason sometimes because I honor that some of us simply want to keep our circles quiet and small and do NOT want to do business at all. This post is not meant for those people. This post is meant for those who are trying to run a business and keep sabotaging themselves due to false beliefs that have been perpetuated in our communities for far too long. You don't have to be flashy and all over the place to be seen.

So many spiritual people want to escape the rat race of the Matrix to fulfill their passions of their true path.

If you are afraid to charge for your services, (without having any other income coming in) you will never make it. It will always be just a hobby or a side business, and while that is totally OKAY for some people who WANT that, those who really want to build a full-time business MUST accept the reality of what is in this moment. This is a collective consciousness and not everyone is on board yet with our way of doing things in the spiritual communities.

Understand that this keeps you stuck pushing around papers for the "man" and putting money into the pockets of the Corporate greed machine when you could be putting that money into your own family, teaching more classes and skills, obtaining more knowledge and skills, and reaching more people with your authentic message. It is imperative we understand this because we will be needed tenfold in the near future.

It's a choice between the old ways and the new. For now, we must adapt to the rules between two worlds. Your mortgage company will not take payments in card readings or crystals. This is a fact. You can still be a business while remaining true to your values. Money is simply an energy exchange of time, talent, and skills. I will pay someone because I VALUE their time and expertise. I do barter too and offer free services to offset services, but that comes after the bills are paid. Stop playing small. It's time to get real.


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